JP Ball Photography: May 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ode to Ally

10 things I love about my daughter...
10) she's spunky
9) she's aggressive and a go getter on the soccer field
8) she's polite to others
7) she loves her siblings
6) she helps around the house
5) she loves to bargain shop
4) she works hard in school
3) she's beautiful
2) she's goofy AND
1) she is a born again Christian...

I love photography!

I love photography! I just got two new lenses and I am having so much fun learning to use them. I am also learning to use a grey card and edit my photos with the data.

So much to learn - if only I didn't need a lick of sleep, I could work on photography around the clock. My favorite subjects are my own children - although I'm sure it's pure torture for them to have my camera in their faces all the time!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fun with the Farley's

Move over Tyra! Anna and Leah are moving in! We had so much fun photographing these two cuties. "Stage Mom" Barb had them revved up and ready for the intense pressures of being models.

The little ones professionally adjusted to the pressures with very few outbursts for water and wardrobe changes. They intermittently kept each other on task by yelling "Get back to work!"

If mom keeps them on those chestnut salad lunches, they'll be doing the catwalk in no time! : )

Our Little Man

18 months....I think Carson is going to be a marathoner. He must run 26.2 miles a day around the house. We just adore this little man (a spitting image of his father) So far, he's a man of few words. His favorites are "more", "juice", and "ball." When the door opens to go out he all but pushes you over to get there. Maybe this year I'll finally have a tan because he is going to want to play outside as much as possible.

So far, Carson has been my most challenging subject in the studio. He's more interested in the equipment than smiling at me. Maybe he'll grow up to enjoy my side of the camera more than his.

18 months...2000+ diapers...schools of fishy crackers...miles of sweet and happy little guy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing up...

Kendra is already two and a half months old! It's so hard to believe. She is so bright eyed and is making the sweetest cooing noises.