JP Ball Photography: PTO Picture Day V1.0

Monday, November 9, 2009

PTO Picture Day V1.0

All I can say is HOW FUN was this day! We had four 30 minute mini sessions followed by a large family full session in the late day. I can't wait to share their proofs and show my favorite shots from the day...remember these aren't the favs!
The day started in the studio with two girls near and dear to us, Alexa and Taylor. We decked out the set with some Christmas boxes (you can't see very well in these cropped pictures) and took some shots for their family cards.

Next, we traveled up to Polen Farm in Kettering. I'm so glad I had to search for a great place last week. We were able to get on the grounds to shoot until the start of the afternoon wedding. We started with the O'Neil family. Kellen and Conner are adorable...and lively! I love that!

Next came the King family. I think this first shot should be framed above the wood burning fireplace. Seriously, I love this shot. It's a reflection of the love and joy that this family shares! Jake and Michaela are picture perfect kids - can they give my kids some lessons?

We rounded out our outdoor trio with another family of four. I've known this couple for years and have rekindled a friendship with Angie during our early morning training runs. Their children are sweet & reserved, but I have a feeling they can be very playful & silly like their mom...back in the day!

1 comment:

Barb said...

FABULOUS family pic!!!!